Friday, August 31, 2007

Free will can't exist under an omniscient entity

If you believe in an omniscient god, then you by definition can't have free will. Here is my argument:
Your omniscient god (hereafter og) knows all (by definition).
Your og knows how you are going to die and when.
Your og knows what you were doing 1 millisecond before you died.
Your og knows what you were doing 1 year before you died.
And so on until we get to creation. If all was known prior to your
existence, then you actually had no free will, it only appeared that way to you.


Spanish Inquisitor said...

Stopped over from Skeptico. You wanted an opinion, probably from Skeptico, but I thought I'd check it out and oblige.

Hard to say at this point, because you just started. But what I see so far looks good. You write well, make some good points, etc. So I'd say, keep up what you are doing.

I'm no real expert, having started doing this myself only last April, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Good luck, and welcome to the Atheosphere.

Anonymous said...

Nice post!